Hasene Canada



NEWS – You will come back, right?

VIETNAM “You will come back, right?” As part of the emergency aid campaign, the aid organization Hasene International e. V. Emergency Aid in Vietnam and distributed over 9 tons of food. Hasene has also been active in Southeast Asia for more than two years. A comprehensive emergency aid campaign has now been carried out in Vietnam. Mustafa Hamurcu, leader of the Amersfoorter community in the Netherlands, and Bülent Konur from the Hasene branch in Aalen in Württemberg accompanied the campaign, in which, in addition to the delivery of aid packages, Adak, Akîka and Kurban donations, 315 orphans were also provided…


NEWS – Help that gives hope

“Help that gives hope.” Hasene has carried out an emergency aid campaign in Sierra Leone. Sierra-Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world. The consequences of the civil war can be felt everywhere. Here the Hasene is in action with his emergency aid campaign. The aid program includes orphan and infrastructure projects. As part of the ceremony to award the Hafiz title, 12 young people received their Hafiz certificates. In addition, 28 Akîka victim donations were slaughtered and distributed to the 800 students, their families and 100 orphans. The event was attended by Mehmet Yaramış, chairman of the…